Magie Rune Breaker

Rune Breaker

Type : Chamanique-astral/Magie blanche
Source : Plan astral
Bucket capacity : Peu élevé
Créateur : Humains

Description :
Ce sort nécessite de dessiner un pentacle. La zone interne à ce dernier diminue les pouvoirs magiques et affaiblit les sorts.
Il s'agit d'un sort très intéressant dans la mesure où son étendue dépend de la capacité magique du sorcier mais aussi de la taille du pentacle. Du coup, un sorcier peu puissant pourra quand même obtenir un sort impressionnant, pourvu que son pentacle soit suffisamment grand. A la base, ce sort n'affaiblit que les sorts offensifs, cependant si il est suffisamment étendu il peut également altérer d'autres types de sorts mineurs.

""Pentagrams are used to create a field that interferes with and weakens all magical power within it. A characteristic peculiar to this spell is that the field's power increases not only in proportion to the skill of the spellcaster, but also, to the overall size of the field. In other words, if it were big enough, a ward could even seal my powers, no matter how amateur the sorcerer who created it.
Originally, Rune Breakers were designed to reduce the damage caused by offensive spells, weaken curses, that kind of thing. They don't usually sweat the small stuff, like Levitation spells. My best guess was that the two chambers above and below ground had combined to multiply their effects exponentially, to the point that they interfered with and absorbed all types of magic."

Lina Inverse-2ème roman de la Main Serie-

Description par LoN_Xellos.

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